The Death Of A New Year’s Resolution
“I want to be healthier this year so I am going to lose X pounds by February 1, 2012.” This will force you to break that goal up into daily/weekly increments. Then on February 1, you can create another monthly or weekly goal. Create a tangible goal that can either be reached or not. Don’t leave any middle ground. No One Is Holding You Accountable Who is keeping you on track for your resolution? Your goals might still have legs in April if you had someone checking in on you from time to time or if you had an accountability partner. Amazing things happen when you’re accomplishing a goal while supporting someone who is accomplishing hers. As Clay Shirky said: Our ability to simultaneously pursue our own goals while being mindful and supportive of other people’s goals is fundamental to human life – so fundamental, in fact that we have trouble turning it off. If a goal is made but no one is there to hear it, is it still considered failure if it is never reached? Support from someone else is a key ingredient to keeping you on the right track. You supporting others gives you an added jolt in life that you weren’t expecting. You Don’t Know Why You Want A Resolution If you decide to make a resolution simply because that is what one is supposed to do on January 1, the odds that that is going to stand the test of time is as good as an ice cube navigating room temperature. You have to know why you are making this resolution in the first place. You want to lose weight? Why? You want to start a business? Why? You want to spend more time with your family? Why? Instilling change in our lives isn’t easy so we better be damn sure we know why we’re seeking it in the first place. Our reason for change is our sword in battle. We must keep it sharp. So, to hell with the New Years Resolution! We need to embrace new month’s, new week’s and new day’s resolutions. Any day is as good a day as any for new beginnings. What’s your new day’s resolution?