Go From "Here's What I Want To Do" To "Here's What I've Done"

3 Things Bassam's Keynotes Will Help Your Audience Do

Simplify The Complex
Hard things don't have to be so hard to do. Bassam's ability to untangle the ball of mental yarn that we've locked ourselves in is unprecedented.

Take Intentional Action
Inspiration is only as good as the action it stirs. Bassam gives people the power and knowhow to act that day (and know why they're doing it in the first place).

Steal A Friggin' Breath
Hustle culture is toxic. Sleep when you're dead? No, you'll be dead because you didn't sleep. Bassam teaches why and how doing less than you're capable of is the key to getting things done.

"Flat out, Bassam is a pro. His message is so compelling because he's lived it. By the sound of everyone's reaction, you could tell they were way into it all the way up to the end! They laughed, they gasped and they left wanting even more!"
- Brian Hart, Curator, TEDx Salem
Why Bassam?
Bassam has a track record of "do" unlike most anyone you'll meet. He has the uncanny ability to rid himself, as well as his clients, and his audiences of all the excuses that keep them from silently sabotaging their own lives.
Beyond that, he's a damn funny storyteller, hell bent on shining a light on complex brain science and human tendencies. To experience Bassam on stage is to be baptized in the direct, yet personal; in the lived, yet relatable.

Bassam Tarazi's life has had a circuitous life path but it's had one constant, he finishes stuff without all the burnout on the side. From nuclear engineering to mortgage banking, from construction management to change management. He's given a TEDx Talk, taught courses, co-founded a film festival, spun up a multi-city networking movement, spawned an international accelerator for entrepreneurs, and launched an online course on finishing.
He’s the author of: The Accountability Effect, In 5 Years You’ll Be Wrong, and Borders, Bandits And Baby Wipes. He or his work has been featured in Backpacker, Popular Mechanics, Forbes, Entrepreneur, GOOD and many other outlets.
A wanderer at heart, he’s also traveled to 73 countries and all 7 continents, having had absurd experiences such as getting to Everest Base Camp and the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, driving from London to Mongolia in a 42 HP car, living on an Alaskan glacier for 8 days, surviving a run-in with Fidel Castro, and being hunted by a pig-tailed macaque in the jungles of Borneo (Long stories. he’ll need some Scotch for those.)
At the heart of it, he's helping people live the lives they say they want by getting them to close the loop on their accountability (and wake up tomorrow to do it all over again). He does this by deconstructing our relationship with goals, finishing, and our own narrative.

"Bassam is an incredible storyteller. He engaged our audience from the first second to the last. And he shared insights in a way that everyone could apply to their lives at that moment."
- Lauren Bullock, Program Director, Temple University
"Bassam brings an authenticity to his talks that's hard to match. He's both funny and poignant; able to break down complex ideas into tangible bites. The attendees of the Bright Side Conference loved his talk! He's electric."
- Jess Ekstrom, Founder of The Mic Drop Workshop
Do What You Say
(Without All The Overwhelm)
Signature Keynote
Getting Things Done In A World That Doesn't Want You To
You’re someone who has moves to make and something to give. You may not be looking to change the world but you’re ready to change your moment. The trouble is that you can’t seem to get to the one thing that’s most important because you’re busy, tired, don’t know where to start or you doubt if you even have it in you.
Don't worry, you’re not alone. There is a way through. The problem isn’t you; the problem is the problem. This talk will lay down the foundation to take you from “Here’s what I want to do” to “Here’s what I did” (and have the mindset to do it all over again).
"There are talks that inspire, and then there are talks that create action. This was both."
- Beri Meric, Founder, Ivy University

Audiences Will Learn How To:
Keep overwhelm from turning into paralysis
Inject moments of purposeful discomfort to kickstart action
Become "distraction-free" when it comes to leaning into a hard task
Truly separate intrinsic from extrinsic motivation (and know when one is masking itself as the other)
Not let the weight of what they want to do someday keep them from making progress today
Create mini finish lines in their work
Test their ideas before any big reveal or loss of time
Confidently choose between multiple options so that every decision is the "right" decision
Confront the fear of failure and the fear of success
Know whether to quit or stick halfway through any project

"Working with Bassam was an absolute pleasure. He exuded passion and ignited motivation and enthusiasm for the marketing community. Further, he displayed great willingness and excitement to network with conference participants, creating an atmosphere of encouragement and collaboration."
- Deleanie Moriello, Organizer, MARCON
“Our audience of marketing leaders at the AMA Leadership Summit was so inspired by Bassam. He is an intelligent, compelling speaker who went beyond the conventional motivational message and truly pushed our attendees to look inward. Since Bassam's engaging performance, those in attendance continue to share how his story stuck with them, as well as how they have started to use his tips to reframe their own work and personal lives.”
Amber McKenna, Co-Chair, AMA National Leadership Summit
Book Bassam To Speak
The below form is the first domino that has to fall to get Bassam at your next speaking engagement. (It's quick. Promise.)