Jan 31, 2023
How To Keep Your New Year's Resolution From Dying
There are 2 big reasons why new year's resolutions are so hard to keep. One you can guess, the other has to do with grammar, and it's nuts

May 18, 2022
Is Success Even The Point?
Feeling like you're not living up to your potential? Are people quick to pile on too? There's an easy fix.

Feb 16, 2022
On Getting Out Of Your Own Way
We got the "climbing a mountain" analogy all wrong. Here's the metaphor you need to get you moving at the start of any creative project

Jan 18, 2022
Easy Isn't Interesting
Long before the masterpiece, it’s an albatross around the neck. May we be grateful for the opportunity and the struggle to chase our bliss

Jan 3, 2022
Why Your New Year’s Resolution Is Rooting Against You
I love sports because with each new game, teams can wipe the slate clean and start anew. Hope springs eternal when the score is still...

Dec 1, 2021
Staring Procrastination In The Face
Why is it so hard to start something that we say we want to do? Here, I try to give my procrastination an identity so I can deal with it

Aug 30, 2021
Why memes are easier than dreams
Paralyzed by choice and enticed by comfort? How do you get out of this muck and move forward? I got you!

Aug 24, 2021
The Awkwardness Of Aspiration
The goods on why we can want something and not want something at the same time (and what to do about it)

Feb 10, 2021
How To Know When You've Done "Enough"
If you're feeling like quiet quitting, chances are you're having a clash of values or are drowning in the wake of their expectations

Nov 27, 2019
"Accountability" Needs A New Hype Man (Or Woman)
Instead of being the compass of our lives, accountability has become the yoke around our necks. It’s more cattle brand than north star....