May 7, 2014
The Hardest Thing About Starting A Business
And it’s something everyone goes through without ever realizing it. Sentries on every front have defended various business necessities as...
Apr 30, 2014
Unicorn Empanadas And The Secrets Of Selling
When the waitress told us that she had unicorn empanadas on her appetizer tray, we were thrilled. Who wouldn’t be? Where did she GET...
Apr 23, 2014
Aches On A Plane – The Butterfly Effect Of Ambiguous Company Policy
What happens when management makes a decision that will affect their staff on the ground, but fails to explain to that staff why the...
Apr 16, 2014
It’s Ok To Quit Being An Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship & self-employment are the 21st century’s darlings. If people who have never experienced either of them had to create a...
Apr 9, 2014
Silver Linings. Everything seems to have them these days. I can’t say much about playbooks but I do know that success does bring with it...
Apr 2, 2014
The Step Before Step One
Popular theory these days tells you to fail fast, fail often. Iterate! Be in permanent beta! You’re a chameleon, damnit! This works great...
Mar 26, 2014
The Rest Is Bullshit
Recently, a friend of mine had this back and forth in an interview (for a publication, not a job) Interviewer: What’s a goal of yours?...
Mar 19, 2014
Goals And Dope
Before we can know how to attack our goals, we first have to understand the two kinds of goals that hoard our daily focus and efforts....
Mar 12, 2014
Get Everything You Want With This One Magical Word
We all want more of something in life. Money, time, customers, influence, respect, responsibility, free time, love, sex, happiness. And...
Mar 5, 2014
Starting A Project Vs. Starting A Business – The One Glaring Difference
I’m sure you hear it all the time. I’m the founder of (insert name of something)! I know I’ve said it a lot. In fact, here’s all the...